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RRS Page 4

A lightweight articulated tool arm, to the right in yellow, is designed to allow set-up on locations where dense rivet patterns occur such as splice plate connection points. Working elongated linear patterns on beams is also possible. No components required to assemble the arm weighs more than 50 pounds, installation and plumbing hook-up requires around 25 minutes to complete. A 360 degree 72 inch envelope can be addressed with each installation. This makes removal of large numbers of rivets possible without resetting or moving the equipment.

The system power pack, vacuum unit, and abrasive delivery system can be installed on a traditional 25-foot trailer. Weighing less than 9 tons, the power pack can be remotely positioned in a convenient location allowing removal work from scaffold or snooper basket to be conducted. Remote placement is currently limited to 550 ft. If required, distances exceeding 1 mile are possible, eliminating liability for lane closures and traffic delays.